you belong here.

Here’s a sneak peek at our culture.

this is uptown? really?

Yeah. Really.

We don’t suffer from FOMO of the downtown vibe. And by the way - the parking is always free and you can breathe without one of those cool masks on.

nice digs

It’s 10,000 square feet of “Wow. You sure I’m not downtown?”

Our office is an eclectic space that somehow works seamlessly together. A lot like our people, actually. From Fab’s fab Diner to the Theatre, it’s a bright and open environment that encourages creativity and collaboration. And beige sucks.

tag torch

No, not office Olympics (but when that does happen, get your game face on).

Every Friday, someone who has helped someone out or stood out in a big way will receive a giant match to keep for one week. The following Friday, the torchbearer will present it to someone else to make a giant circle of recognition. Say it with me now: “Awwwwww”.

want to feel the warmth? strike up a convo with us by applying!

the bell.

Here ye, here ye, taggers!

Need a break from work? Get ready to be saved by the bell! It’s rung by the execs or “torch bearer” whenever there’s an announcement for the agency – and when it does, we urge you to stop what you’re doing and join everyone in the kitchen! Or else…

anniversary canvas

Paint and pom-poms and pills, oh my!

If there’s one thing we learned from this, it’s that you never really graduate from elementary school art class – and also that chewed up gum makes for extremely abstract design.

2016 marked our 20-year anniversary, so we decided to commemorate it with mosaic that had a piece of each and every tagger. It hangs on the wall and reminds us daily how far we’ve come. Here’s to 20 more years and beyond!

fun ’n games

Give me a break!

During your lunch, we don’t just want you to scarf down that Maron falafel and head back to work – we want you to eat, drink and be merry! Whether it’s indulging in a novel or schooling your co-workers in Connect Four, the book and board game shelf is there for you to get away from work, while also giving you a vacation from your phone.

if you want us to tag you in, check out our job board.

lego wall.

Just imagine… (within reason)

Ahh yes, remember back when you built anything and everything out of Lego? Your mind went wild with imagination as it let you build your own world instead of living by the shackles of this one. Feel free to go back to that innocent place and express your creativity on our Lego wall (unless that world was pornographic).

shoe wall

It’s where we bear our soles.

The shoes on this wall represent our people, and to our people they represent a special moment in their life. Whether it’s diamond-studded heels, worn-in flip flops or wooden clogs, we want to hear your story and display your funky footwear! Please bring in a pair of shoes with a small written story about why they mean something to you.

penny wall.

Penny for your thoughts?

…or maybe a few thousand? To cover the spare walls at tag, a challenge was in order – with a budget, of course. This team used every last cent, literally, and created this work of art. Rumor has it, if you walk by it while making a wish, it’ll come true!


tag International Foosball Association

When you’re an agency of non-desk job people working desk jobs, let’s just say the Foosball table isn’t under utilized*. If you hear “No spinning!!!” coming from the kitchen several times a day, remain calm. This is normal. But for the record, cheating in this office is deplorable. We take our Foos seriously seriously.

*Some even stay late just to get a round in.

we always need more members for our foosball league. join the team here.


Bring your own bottle.

Chateauneuf du Pape, Johnny Walker, Guinness or Wild Turkey – if you were a type of liquor, what would you be? Fashion a bottle of hooch in your own style, from the cap to the label to what’s inside. If design isn’t your thing, just have creative or studio give you a hand! Let us drink in your glory.

oodles of

Fun fact: Your doodles say a lot about you. Seriously – check out this link

Go ahead and use the tear pad in the kitchen as a (semi) blank canvas; the only rule is that you must incorporate existing symbols on the page into your drawing. Yeah, you knew there’d be a catch – we are a creative agency after all!

beer cart fridays!

It’s Friday...Friday...

The day we drink to forget that song. Introducing Beer Cart Friday, a strict institution at tag that helps us help others. Take a load off at the end of the week with a beer, cooler or glass of wine, and feel proud to know that the few bucks you spend goes to charity! *Clink!*

wanna work here? it’s a lot easier than 12 steps. the first is admitting you have an urge to work here. the second step is applying.

want to see more? check us out here: or @tag_agencies